Ibiza Tickets Outlet is not a dealer o reseller. We simply provide you with the most straightforward way to get those wished tickets from the most popular venues in Ibiza. Our work is finnanced exclusively by web's ads and we do not get any income for the number of tickets sold through our website.
Have your ever tried to buy tickets, get a vip table or reserve whatever in those websites backed up by the most famous clubs of Ibiza? Messy, doesn't?
It's a real mess. You can lose hours and days to get the email address of that person that can really help you. And most of the times once you get it there is no booking left for you.
We skip those terrible web pages, we pass of concierges and resellers and we provide you with the real names, the contacts and links for every party and celebration held at the island. So simple like that. Because one day we had the same troubles like you.
Get a last minute ticket for July's party? Sure, no problem. Come to Ibiza Tickets Outlet and we'll extend a red carpet between you and the most wanted party. No fee, no tricks, the same price you could get directly from the venue, but faster and more safe.